SD188ES/SD188EM Demonstration Board User’s Manual
Chapter 1
Quick Start
This chapter provides information that will help you quickly set up and start using
the SD188ES/SD188EM demonstration board.
The SD188ES/SD188EM demonstration board is supported by the E86MON
software. The E86MON software enables you to load, run, and debug programs
on the SD188ES/SD188EM demonstration board. For detailed information on
using the E86MON software, refer to the E86MON
Software User’s Manual
included in your kit.
For information on how to:
• Connect the SD188ES/SD188EM demonstration board to a PC, see page 1-2
• Invoke the E86MON software, see page 1-4
• Troubleshoot installation problems, see page 1-5
• Locate related sources of information, see page 1-6
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