SD188ES/SD188EM Demonstration Board User’s Manual
5. Invoke the terminal emulation program at 19200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1
stop bit; enable the software flow control (Xon/Xoff), if supported.
6. Reset the board by depressing and releasing the RESET switch (see location in
Figure 2-1 on page 2-3). The LEDs on the board (CR3-CR10) will again flash in
an oscillating pattern for three seconds, as they did upon power up.
During the three-second period while the LEDs are oscillating, type an a in the
terminal window to ensure that the E86MON software uses the correct baud rate.
When the E86MON software receives an a, it adjusts its baud rate (if necessary)
and displays the welcome message and prompt.
If you type a character other than an a, or type no character at all, the E86MON
software still displays the welcome message and prompt, but may be using an
incorrect baud rate. Depressing and releasing the RESET switch gives you another
opportunity to type an a.
7. To display the version of the E86MON software and the commands available, type
? and press Enter.
For detailed information on using the E86MON software, refer to the E86MON
Software User’s Manual included in your manual.
frtbook : ch1 Page 4 Monday, June 2, 1997 3:37 PM