Super IO Device
Phoenix – AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Super IO Function Setup
Item Help
Onboard FDC Controller Enabled
Onboard Side Port 1 3F8/IRQ4
UART Mode Select IrDA
* IRDA Duplex Mode Half
PWROM After PWR-Fail [OFF]
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Onboard FDC Controller
Select Enabled if your system has a floppy disk controller (FDD) installed on the system
board and you wish to use it. If you install add-on FDC or the system has no floppy drive,
select Disabled in this field. The settings are: Enabled and Disabled.
Onboard Serial Port1
Select an address and corresponding interrupt for the first and the second serial ports. The
settings are: 3F8/IRQ4, 2E8/IRQ3, 3E8/IRQ4, 2F8/IRQ3, Disabled, Auto.
UART Mode Select
This item allows you to determine which InfraRed(IR) function of the onboard I/O chip, this
functions uses.
IrDA Duplex Mode
This field is available when UART Mode is set to either ASKIR or IrDA. This item enables
you to determine the infrared function of the onboard infrared chip. The options are Full and
Half (default). Full-duplex means that you can transmit and send information simultaneously.
Half-duplex is the transmission of data in both directions , but only one direction at a time.
Poweron After Power Failure
This determines the manner when the power recovery after power failure. The setting are: Off,
3-7-2 Onchip IDE Function
Phoenix – AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
OnChip IDE Function
Item Help
IDE HDD Block Mode Enabled
IDE DMA transfer Enabled
Onchip IDE Channel 0 Enabled
Primary Master PIO Auto
Primary Slave PIO Auto
Primary Master UDMA Auto
Primary Slave UDMA Auto
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IDE HDD Block Mode
Block mode is also called block transfer, multiple commands, or multiple sector read/write.
If your IDE hard drive supports block mode (most new drives do), select Enabled for
automatic detection of the optimal number of block read/writes per sector the drive can
support. The settings are: Enabled, Disabled.