Section 1
: This bar allows the user to select which stream type and which protocol they want to choose.
Section 2
: The functions bar allows the user to perform different camera functions while in live mode. See the table below for an
explanation of the different functions available:
Function Name
Function Description
Alarm Output
Click this button to generate an alarm output signal. This button
becomes red/grey depending on alarm output activation or
Digital Zoom
Click this button to activate the zone selection function. This allows the
user to use the mouse to select a zone to zoom in on.
Click this button to take a screenshot of the live feed. The picture is
saved at the path specified in Setup -> Camera -> Video -> Path.
Triple Snapshot
Click this button to take 1 screenshot per second for 3 seconds. The
pictures are saved at the path specified in Setup -> Camera -> Video ->
Manual Record
Click this button to manually record video. The video is saved at the
path specified in Setup -> Camera -> Video -> Path.
Click this button to enable or disable audio output from the camera.
This feature allows the user to listen in on the audio the camera’s
microphone is picking up.