For more information about Amcrest View Pro and its functionalities visit
For more information on alternative setup methods for your camera in the Amcrest View Pro app visit the
following links:
IP/Domain/DDNS App Setup:
Used to establish a connection without using P2P. For more information on this
setup method visit,
WiFi Configuration Setup:
Used as a secondary option for establishing a WiFi connection to a WiFi camera.
For more information on this setup method visit,
P2P Setup
: Used for setting up already connected devices to the Amcrest View Pro app. For more information
4.4 Desktop Access Setup
Access your camera and all its features and settings on your local network using Internet
Explorer, Firefox, or Safari on Windows or Mac.
This method of accessing the camera’s interface is necessary to setup remote access. Ensure
that the following items are completed:
Make sure t
he camera and the PC are on the same network before proceeding.
Use one of the following web browsers: Safari, Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox
(Google Chrome support in Development).
To easily connect to the camera’s interface, install and run the Amcrest IP Config tool.
can download the IP Config software from
under the “Support” tab,
Apps & Software
. The IP Config tool’s interface looks like the below image: