1. Disclaimer & Warning
Thank you for purchasing this Alware product. Please visit our website
regularly for update information. Any technical updates and manual corrections will be
available on the web page of specific product. Due to unexpected changes or upgrades, the
information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Please strictly follow the manual to assemble and use the Lensman-X Camera 3-Axis Gimbal.
Since Alware has no control over use, setup, final assembly, modification or misuse, no
liability shall be assumed nor accepted for any resulting damage or injury. By the act of use,
setup or assembly, the user accepts all resulting liability. Alware accepts no liability for
damage(s) or injuries incurred directly or indirectly from the use of this product.
Make sure you have applied certain amount of Thread Locker when installing Screw to metal
parts. This is the key to allow the application of this product be safe and reliable.
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