2. Secure enclosure to earth ground. Connect AC power (115VAC / 60 Hz to terminals marked [L, G, N] (Fig. 1, pg. 3).
Use 14 AWG or larger for all power connections (Battery, DC output, AC input). Use 22 AWG to 18 AWG for power
limited circuits (AC Fail/Low Battery reporting). Keep power limited wiring separate from non-power limited wiring
(115VAC / 60Hz Input, Battery Wires). Minimum .25” spacing must be provided.
3. Measure output voltage before connecting device. This helps avoid potential damage.
When servicing the unit, AC mains should be removed.
4. Connect devices to be powered:
a. For AL1024ULX Power Supply connect devices to terminals marked [- DC +] (Fig. 1, pg. 3)
b. For other Power Distribution Models connect devices to be powered to terminal pairs 1 to 4 marked
[1P & 1N thru 4P & 4N] (Fig. 2A & 2B, pg. 5) or 1 to 8 marked [1P & 1N thru 8P & 8N] (Fig. 3A & 3B, pg. 5)
carefully observing correct polarity.
5. For Access Control applications, batteries are optional. When batteries are not used a loss of AC will result in
the loss of output voltage. When the use of stand-by batteries is desired, they must be lead acid or gel type.
6. Connect appropriate signaling notification devices to terminals marked [AC FAIL & BAT FAIL] (Fig. 1, pg. 3)
supervisory relay outputs.
Note: When used in fire alarm, burglar alarm or access control applications, “AC Fail” relay must be used to
provide a visual indication of AC power on.
7. Please insure that the cover is secured with the provided Key Lock.
LED Diagnostics:
AL1024ULXB - Power Supply Board
Red (DC)
Green (AC)
Power Supply Status
Normal operating condition
Loss of AC, Stand-by battery supplying power
No DC output
Loss of AC. Discharged or no stand-by battery. No DC output.
Terminal Identification:
AL1024ULXB - Power Supply Board
Terminal Legend
L, G, N
Connect 115VAC to these terminals: L to Hot, N to Neutral, G to ground.
- DC +
24VDC @ 8 amp continuous, 10 amp in alarm non-power limited output, 10 amp continuous when
batteries are not used.
Used to notify loss of AC power, e.g. connect to annunciator/alarm panel. Relay normally
N.O., C, N.C.
energized when AC power is present. Contact rating 1 amp @ 28VDC.
AC or brownout fail is reported within 0ne (1) minute of event. To delay reporting of up to
6 hrs., cut “AC delay” jumper and reset power to unit.
Used to indicate low battery condition, e.g. connect to alarm panel. Relay normally energized
N.O., C, N.C.
when DC power is present.
Contact rating 1 amp @ 28VDC.
A removed battery is reported within 1 minute. Battery reconnection is reported
within 1 minute. Low battery threshold: @ approximately 21VDC.
+ BAT -
Stand-by battery connections. Maximum charge rate 3.6 amp.
- 4 -