-- Call Detail Reporting Guide -- September 2000 -- Page 5 --
Making or Saving Money
Determine if agents are spending too much time in discussion or in wrap-up; provide them better PC
support programs and/or give them better training. Are some agents too slow at finishing up from the
last call? Are all agents suffering from poor desktop applications? Who is slow, who is fast?
Determine how often you transfer calls? Improve the routing decisions if necessary.
Measure the number of calls and duration by carrier. Bill back costs to departments or tenants.
Determine if some trunks (lines) are not working – no traffic or short holding times.
Analyze the geographic spread of incoming calls to determine marketing and support strategies.
Look for nuisance calls from specific ANI sources.
Determine if some offered services (DNIS) are not being sufficiently used.
Track when agents sign-on and sign-off. Feed the information to payroll. Plan schedules.
2.0 AltiGen’s Reporting Solutions
To find information to assist in the assessment of the decisions and views, AltiGen has worked with third
parties to provide reports that cover most of these topics.
Reporting packages examine the CDR records and create summary statistics and graphical displays useful
to the phone system manager.
2.1 Bundled Reporting Solution
AltiGen and TriVium Systems signed an agreement whereby TriVium provides AltiGen a reporting
under a new release of their Call Analyst product. AltiGen bundles this TriVium Call Analyst
product in with its shipment of AltiGen’s AltiWare OE 4.0 product. The Call Analyst has both basic and
advanced reporting capabilities. Basic reports are offered as part of the AltiWare OE 4.0 product. There is
also a fully working copy of the
reports available for a free thirty-day trial, after which you must
call TriVium to purchase a license to continue using the advanced reports, which are focused primarily on
aspects of call center applications.
2.2 Reports Available with OE 4.0 via TriVium Call Analyst
Examples of the most general categories of reports using AltiGen CDR data are:
Basic Reports
Calling by day, day of week, hour of day
Calling by trunk by day …
Calling by extensions, by trunks
Calling costs by extensions
Calling by account codes and duration
Most frequent calls, longest calls, most expensive calls
Calling by area codes
Calling by country codes
Rate tables by state and by country
Inbound Trunks
Outbound Trunks
Short Calls
OutCall Routing
Area Codes - Inbound