TM 2012-005 REV00 © 10/25/2012
Maintenance Menu
The maintenance menu has three main elements to it. These are manual test, I/O diagnostics, and analog
calibration. The manual test function is a key element in the maintenance menu and is where containers can be
leak tested independent of production. I/O diagnostics is useful for checking the functionality of key devices. The
analog calibration display is where the leak test pressure transducer are scaled and calibrated. These functions
are factory set and not described in this manual. In the event analog inputs become out of range and calibration is
required please refer to the maintenance manual.
Manual Test
The manual test menu is a very important and is where containers can be independently leak tested to check test
settings for accuracy. In addition to this a Manual Test and Manual Self-Test is used to determine the proper test
settings for a new container which has not run on the SpeedGlider. See the new container setup guide in this
manual for leak testing a new container.
A manual test menu has two basic functions, the Manual Test and the Manual Self-test.
The Manual Test functions just as a normal leak test does except it cannot be used during
production. To use this function place a container under the proper test probe and push the manual
test button. The test result will be displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the display along with
the recorded test results for test 1 and 2 minimum and maximum in the middle of the display.
The manual self-test does not function like a normal leak test. When selected the SpeedGlider will
open a path to a test orifice installed on the mainframe which in effect causes a leak in the
container being tested. This function ensures the leak test settings will indeed reveal a small leak is
in the containers being tested.
To use this function place a container under the proper test probe and push the manual self-test
button. The test result will be displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the display along with the
recorded test results for test 1 and 2 minimum and maximum in the middle of the display.