Getting Started
Page 3-3
AM-6000 Computer Owner's Manual, Rev. 00
The CMOS menu fields are:
Primary Boot Device Type
This parameter selects the type of device to boot from in the event that the attempt to boot from the
alternate device fails or no alternate device is selected. Currently, only SCSI and floppy drives can be
Primary Boot Device Unit #
This parameter selects which primary drive number to boot from. Valid unit numbers for SCSI drives are
0-6 (and 8 - 15 when using the Wide SCSI interface and a Wide SCSI peripheral device). Valid unit
numbers for floppy drives are 0 and 1. The setup routine will not allow you to select an invalid unit
Alternate Boot Device Type
This parameter selects the type of device to attempt to boot from first, before defaulting to the primary
boot device. Currently supported alternate boot devices are Floppy, Streamer or None (boot from
primary device only).
Alternate Boot Device Unit #
This parameter selects which alternate device number to boot from. Valid unit numbers are 0-6 for SCSI
streamer and drives (and 8 - 15 when using the Wide SCSI interface and a Wide SCSI streamer) and 0 or
1 for floppy drives. The setup routine will not allow you to select an invalid unit number. You should
know how many devices you currently have on the system before you enter this number. If you select a
number and the device is not found, it will go to the primary boot selection.
If you have a “narrow” SCSI configuration, the CMOS menu will allow you to select unit number
8 through 15, although they are invalid! Make certain you select VALID device numbers when
configuring the CMOS menu.
Boot Monitor File Name
This parameter lets you change the name of the monitor file to be loaded during boot. Any valid file
name, with an .MON extension, can be used. The monitor file must exist, and reside in account [1,4] of
the first logical disk of the selected boot device. This parameter is not used when booting from a tape
device. You can use the backspace and the arrow keys to edit this field.
Boot Initialization File Name
This parameter lets you change the name of the system initialization (INI) file to be used during boot.
Any valid file name, with an .INI extension, can be used. The INI file must exist, and reside in account
[1,4] of the first logical disk of the selected boot device. You can use the backspace and the arrow keys
to edit this field.