Subject to technical amendments without prior notice | 83055400iUK – 2.1 | ait-deutschland GmbH
For certain devices, a flow switch is installed at the factory.
In this case, always set Defr/Brin/Flow to “pow. Suppl.” or
“pow.+ flow”.
An incorrect setting will compromise the safety and functional
capacity of your device and can result in serious damage.
control CP
Compressor monitoring
Compressor monitoring switched off
Compressor monitoring switched on,
if the rotating field of the supply line
is incorrect, a “Net On“ fault will be
page 40, Error number 729
While the compressor is starting up, compressor monitoring
checks the change in temperature in the hot gas. If the
temperature of the hot gas does not change while the
compressor is running, a malfunction is displayed.
Only switch on compression monitoring for error locating
during maintenance work.
In the case of devices with a power supply monitor, the com-
pressor monitoring is switched off in the factory setting.
setting hc
Control of the heating circle
Set AT
flow setpoint temperature of the
heating is calculated via a set heating
Fixed Tp
flow setpoint temperature can be
selected independently of the external
temperature specification
setting mc1
Control of mixing circle 1
Set AT
return setpoint temperature of the
heating is calculated via a set heating
Fixed Tp
return flow setpoint temperature can
be selected independently of the
external temperature specification
Cooling control
Set AT
Cooling depends on the outdoor
Fixed Tp
Cooling takes place per set
page 15, “Cooling based on set temperature or
depending on outdoor temperature“
screed heating
Mixer behaviour during the screed
heating program
Option only possible for external energy source (wood boiler,
solar system with parallel tank, …))
w. mixer
If the mixer is defined as a discharge
mixer, it controls according to the
setpoint temperature in the screed
heating program
wo. mixer
If the mixer is defined as a discharge
mixer, it always starts up during the
screed heating program
Defrost. Air
Air defrost
Air defrost not released
Air defrost generally released above
the set temperature
Approved appliances, see page 45, “Overview: Defrost cy-
cle, Air defrost, Flow Max“
Do not set an “air defrost” on non-approved appliances.
Defr. Air max
Maximum duration of air defrost
Option only possible if air defrost enabled
pump opt.
Pump optimisation
Heating circulation pumps always
run, unless another supply type is
requested (domestic hot water, …) or
the device is switched off
Setting only effective with an outdoor
temperature > 0 °C.
Heating circulation pumps are
switched off, if required
The heating circulation pumps will
be switched if the heat pump has
not been requested for more than 3
hours. The heating circulation pumps
will then cycle for 5 minutes every 30
minutes until the heat pump receives
another request.
If the external temperature is above
the return setpoint temperature, the
heating circulation pumps will be
switched off permanently. They will
be switched on for 1 minute every 150
hours to prevent them from becoming
In the case of multi-function domestic hot water tank inte-
gration with solid or solar systems, pump optimisation must
be set to “No”.
Data access authorisation
If “Fitter” is selected, all parameters that can otherwise only
be viewed and changed with “AS” access (= customer service
with USB stick) can be viewed and changed with the installer
brine pres/Flow
Brine pressure / flow
neither brine pressure pressostat nor
flow switch connected
Brine pres
for S/W devices, a brine pressure
pressostat is connected on the Defr/
Brin/Flow input
for W/W devices, a flow switch is
connected on the Defr/Brin/Flow input
Phase monitoring relay installed in
the supply pipe of the compressor is
connected on Defr/Brin/Flow input
pow.+ flow
Phase monitoring relay and flow switch
are connected on the Defr/Brin/Flow