XRM(2)-DAC-D4/1G User Guide
V2.2 - Mar 8, 2018
4.12 QDAC_CNTRL_REG (0x0B)
Used to specify the data and addresses for reads and writes via the serial interface for the Q channel DAC.
The bottom 8 bits are the write data, with the next 8 bits forming the address. The top 16 bits of this word (read
data and status bits) are read-only.
D31 to D24:
D31 unused
D30 unused
D29 unused
D28 unused
D27 unused
D26 QDAC serial initialisation sequence busy. Copy of status reg bit 6
D25 QDAC serial busy signal. Copy of status reg bit 5
D24 QDAC serial busy signal. Copy of status reg bit 4
D23 to D16:
D7 serial read data from the QDAC interface following a read cycle
D22 D6 serial read data
D21 D5 serial read data
D20 D4 serial read data
D19 D3 serial read data
D18 D2 serial read data
D17 D1 serial read data
D16 D0 serial read data
D15 to D8:
D15 D7 serial address for serial read/writes of the QDAC interface.
D14 D6 serial address
D13 D5 serial address
D12 D4 serial address
D11 D3 serial address
D10 D2 serial address
D1 serial address
D0 serial address
D7 to D0:
D7 serial write data to write to the QDAC interface following a write
D6 serial write data
D5 serial write data
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