Air and water technologies
Royennestraat 51, B-7700 Moeskroen
[email protected] -
compact blower
The main filter element must be dried off completely otherwise moisture will be
drawn through the blower head which could possibly cause a major and costly
It is essential that air filters are regularly maintained and replaced.
Replacement procedure: the main filter element will need replacing every six months. This and other items can be
ordered directly from Almeco.
Cleaning procedure: the main filter element may be washed using the same procedure as the pre-filter sock. It is
important to be aware that the cleaning procedure for this part is far more time consuming and because of this, we
recommend a spare filter is fitted whilst the cleaning procedure is carried out.
Once the main filter element has been washed and rinsed, we recommend the following:
Remove as much of the water soaked up by the main filter element.
It is then suggested that the filter is placed in an oven at 60°C for a minimum of 4 hours. If an oven is not available, dry
off in a well ventilated room and leave for 24 hours minimum - longer if the unit is still not dry.
Re-fitting filter elements:
Once the main filter element and the pre-filter sock are thoroughly dried, they can be re-fitted to each other.
Refit the filter and its cover and secure in place using the nut and washer.
Drive Belts
Checking tension using the supplied Krikit Tension Gauge (The Krikit II belt tension gauge, with the brightly coloured
pressure pad and indicator arm, is calibrated to measure Micro-V belt tensions).
Place the gauge in the centre of the belt and align the sides of the gauge to the edges of the belt and midway
between any two pulleys (refer to images below). The belt tension accuracy is dependent on this
Push slowly on the coloured pad to get an accurate reading. When you hear the “click”, immediately stop pressing and
remove the gauge carefully, so as not to move the indicator arm.
Turn the gauge sideways to see the exact spot where the top of the indicator arm intersects the scale.
Mark this spot with thumbnail and turn gauge to read the scale accurately.
It is recommended that more than one tension reading be taken to assure repeatable measurements.
Increase or decrease the belt tension until you are within the desired tension range. Almeco belt tension = see label
on unit – typically 50Kg or 110lbs.
Drive belts will need to be checked every 500 working hours and replaced every 2