and that no conductors or other parts have been weakened by corrosion.
Check that all rigging, mast mounts, and conductor fixings are secure and
Check that all down conductors and equipotential bonds remain correctly
positioned and that they are securely attached and no damage or theft has
All warning labels must still be in place and visible.
Alltec TerraStreamer
Lightning Protection for Structures and Open Areas
Using Early Streamer Emission (ESE) Technology
“As in the case with anything related to the natural elements, lightning protection
systems, designed and installed in accordance with this standard, cannot
guarantee absolute protection to structures, persons or objects: however,
applying this standard will significantly reduce the risk of protected structures
being damaged by lightning.”
NF C 17-102
Neither the TerraStreamer
ESE Terminal nor any other lightning protection
system to our knowledge can provide 100% protection from lightning.
In order to provide the most effective Early Streamer Emission (ESE) Air
Terminal technology available today, Alltec TerraStreamer
ESE Terminals are
independently tested and certified to meet
NF C 17-102
UNE 21 186
standards. In addition, these modern standards have provided the applicable
information contained in this Installation Guide to correctly implement a proper
ESE system.
NF C 17-102
UNE 21 186
standards are “applicable to lightning
protection using early streamer emission lightning conductors of common
structures of less than 60m high and of open areas.”
It is recommended that
any ESE installation strictly adhere to the general and detailed contents of
the latest editions of the NF C 17-102 and UNE 21 186 standards.
Alltec has developed the TerraStreamer
product according to
internationally recognized standards. However, Alltec does not make any
specific performance guarantees as no lightning protection system can be
100% effective.