4. TerraStreamer
ESE Terminal Installation
Stay clear of any overhead power lines or electrical sources.
When installing the TerraStreamer
ESE Terminal, Alltec provides for two main
configuration types.
Guyed FRP Masts
When installing the TerraStreamer
ESE Terminal with an Alltec FRP mast,
refer to the supplied FRP Mast Installation Guide for assembly and installation
instructions. Other important items to remember include:
Using a crane or other suitable equipment is recommended for any
installation over 6 meters in height, or for hazardous areas such as unsafe
heights without appropriate safety railings.
It is very important to keep the mast straight during the lift to avoid
damaging the mast.
The TerraStreamer
ESE Terminal must NOT be used as a slinging point.
When lifting masts, ensure that the slings or ropes cannot damage the
ESE Terminal.
When lifting the mast, the down conductor must be tied off to the
mast to remove any strain on the down conductor’s termination to the
ESE Terminal and/or supplied adaptor.
The TerraStreamer
ESE Terminal tip must be at least 2m above any aerial,
equipment or structure on the roof. Please refer to NF C 17-102 standard or
Alltec design for specific mast/ESE height requirements.
Guy wires must be tight, but also consider roof load limitations (e.g. tighten
guying grips to no more than 7 Nm of torque).