Sports Arena
A 2000 spectators sports arena with metallic roof had an indoor signal
strength too low to provide a fair service in most parts of the arena. The
nearest base station was 8 kilometers away and it was equipped with one
carrier only.
A donor antenna directed towards the base station was mounted on a
mast outside the building and a repeater was installed inside the building
with the service antenna on the arch vault. The scenario is illustrated in
Figure 2-3.
The antenna isolation was measured to over 85dB.
Measured levels:
Received signal level
– 80.0 dBm
Donor antenna gain
15.0 dBi
Cable loss
– 5.0 dB
Repeater input level
– 70.0 dBm
Adjusted repeater gain
70.0 dB
Repeater output level
0.0 dBm
Cable loss
– 2.0 dB
Service antenna gain
7.0 dBi
Radiated output level
5.0 dBm
The signal strength was fair for service in the entire arena.
Service antenna
Donor antenna
Figure 2-3. Repeater in sports arena
ALR Compact Repeater
VD203 67/EN - User’s Manual
Rev. 1A 2000-07
2 - 5