Communication Interface Module
Cat. No. 1784-KT2/C
Installation Data
Important: The diagnostic program adds new test results to results
already existing in the output file. If you want to delete test results already
existing in the output file, wait for the prompt to appear and type:
del kt2out.txt [ENTER)
Do this before you proceed to step 4.
When the prompt appears, type the following:
kt2diag [ENTER)
You see the following message:
WARNING: Serious damage will occur if 1784–KT2 is
connected to a network. Press any key to acknowledge:
Make sure the 1784–KT2 is not connected to your network and
press any key to continue.
Again you are asked if you want to continue. If you have followed
the precautions to guard against network damage explained earlier in
this section, type y. If you have not yet read this information, type n
to exit the diagnostic program. You must read this information before
going any further.
An Allen-Bradley copyright message appears on the screen. Press any
key to continue.
The Allen-Bradley 1784–KT2 Diagnostic Program menu appears on your
screen. You are now ready to run the diagnostic program as explained later
in this document.
Starting Up from a Hard Disk
Important: We assume you have installed the diagnostic program onto
the hard disk. If you have not done so, refer to the section earlier in this
In the following example, the hard disk is referred to as C:.
To start the diagnostic program from a hard disk, follow the steps below:
Turn on the computer.
Select the directory containing the diagnostic program by typing:
c: [ENTER]