Anchoring to the Wall
On the back of the appliance, attach brackets in the same zones shown using adhesive straps. Mark and drill
pilot holes for the screws about 8mm into the appliance. Then use a screwdriver to tighten the screws all the
way into the appliance.
Position the appliance in the desired location. Locate wall studs behind the appliance and mark the location
where the bracket on the back of the appliance lines up with a stud. Move the appliance away from the wall
and position bracket on the mark. Mark and drill pilot holes into the center of the stud with a 3/32” drill bit.
Attach a bracket to the stud with the long screws provided.
Move the appliance into its final position, taking care to line up the wall bracket close enough to the bracket on
the back of the appliance to strap them together. Thread a strap through the brackets as shown in the
illustration. Tighten the straps until snug. Do not overtighten.
CAUTION: This product is not intended to be a substitute for proper supervision. Manufacturer assumes no liability for
improper installation or excessive loads placed on screws, brackets, or straps.
Straps should be periodically adjusted, tested, and replaced.