Instructions for Use for KardiaMobile Card (AC-021)
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When recording, relax your arms and hands to reduce muscle noise. Rest the forearms
and hands on a flat surface. Do not apply too much pressure to the electrodes.
○ Avoid close proximity to items that may cause electrical interference (electronic
equipment, computers, chargers, routers, etc.)
○ If you wear hearing aids, turn them off prior to recording.
○ Ensure that your smartphone or tablet is not charging/syncing and you are not using
headphones with your smartphone or tablet during the recording.
○ Ensure that the “Enhanced Filter” is on.
○ Make sure Mains Filter is set appropriately for your geographical location. This can be
adjusted under the Kardia app Settings
3. On my EKG, the recording appears
upside down.
○ Make sure the device is in the
correct orientation with the
AliveCor logo and brand name
“KardiaMobile” in the top left.
○ On the EKG tracing, select the
“Invert” option to flip the orientation
of the EKG.
4. I see large spikes at the start of my
○ Large amounts of noise/artifact can
be seen for the first few
milliseconds of a recording when the Enhanced Filter is looking for your heartbeat.
This is very rare and only lasts until your first heartbeat is seen in the app; this
doesn’t affect the rest of your recording.