The A8 comes in 4 boxes a) the frame b) the carriage c) standing platform, rope risers, ropes & handles &
shoulder rests d) Your choice of legs. Starting with the frame box, remove all strapping using a safety knife
and remove the carton lid. The reformer will be wrapped in a plastic wrapper and protected by polysty-
rene blocks, carefully cut the plastic wrapper open and inside the carton you will find another box con-
taining he shoulder rests, the ropes, tools and bolts. Put this box to one side.
We recommend getting a pair of stable trestles to put the reformer on to enable easy fitting of the legs
and installation of the ropes. Place the trestles 180cm apart and make sure the top of the trestles have
something soft on them to avoid scratching the reformer frame. Lift the reformer out of the box and swing
the foot bar round so it is resting on top of the reformer before gently placing it onto the trestles, so that
one of the trestles is underneath the point where the foot bar attaches to the aluminium runner. Having
checked the reformer is stable and safe you are now ready to start the assembly. Now cut the cable ties
which hold the chrome plated foot bar selector rod in place and temporarily remove. This will be put back
later as per “Attaching the Foot Bar” on page 4. You are now ready to start assembling your reformer.
Attaching the Legs
First install the legs at the fixed standing platform end of the reformer. We suggest you use the legs with
the wheels attached in this position and attach them with the wheels facing away from the reformer (as
shown in the Reformer Map). The wheeled legs can be attached on either end though particularly when a
half Cadillac is attached the wheels are best attached to the standing platform end. Whilst the frame is
supported place the legs in position. For the Standard and Rehab legs* the Long Bolts go through the
frame as in Fig. 1. Please attach these first and hand tighten (Fig. 2).
Each leg corner then requires 4 x Short Bolts (Fig.3). First screw in all 4 bolts hand tight, taking special care
not to cross thread the bolts, then when all are in tighten fully with the Allen key provided (Fig. 4). Once you
have put the first pair of legs on repeat the process at the other end. The short legs attach in exactly the
same way as the standard and rehab legs, except there are no long bolts as each leg is separate, rather
than 2 legs being connected as with the standard and rehab legs.
Attaching the Foot Bar
Slide the chrome plated Foot Bar selector rod (part #13) back in to place, putting it in the
second furthest away slot from the leg - do not reinsert the locking pins. First insert one of
the cylindrical headed M8 24mm bolts into hole A (Fig 5) of bar and screw in hand tight,
then repeat on the other side. Then using 2 of the 10 small dome bolts and washers,
screw these into hole B as per Fig. 5 below and securely tighten – be particularly
careful to get the bolt in straight to avoid cross threading the bolt in to the aluminium
arm. Finally completely tighten the 4 bolts using the long allen key provided.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Rope Riser
Locking Knob
Rope Height
Adjustment Knob
Extra Spring
Fig. 5