Aligator Owners Operator Manual
Stabilised Chlorine / Cyanuric / Cyanurate
All stabilised chlorine forms Cyanuric acid in the water. This substance is the stabiliser.
The level at which it is at its most efficient is between 40 and 60ppm. Over this level it starts
to become a problem reducing the power of the chlorine and the effect of the Aligator. We
therefore strongly recommend you purchase a test kit, and periodically test your pool. If you
find that you are approaching the danger level, simply revert to using Non Stabilised chlorine
for a period, and allow the normal backwashing to reduce the level. If the level exceeds
80ppm you must take more positive action and dilute the water. The only effective way to
dilute the level is to dump water. A guide to the amount to be dumped is:
At a level of 80ppm 20% of the entire pool volume.
At a level of 100ppm 50% of the entire pool volume
Above this level 75% of the water should be replaced.
Copper levels
We recommend you obtain a low free copper level test kit and check the level every month.
The correct level of free copper should be between .2 and .6 parts per million. If the level is
above .6ppm or below .2ppm then please consult your dealer or contact us directly for advice.
All chemicals are dangerous and should be handled carefully. Do not mix chemicals.
The oxidising effect can cause an explosion, fire and toxic fumes.
Test Kits
There are a number of test kits on the market all of which have their own instructions in their
use. For the successful operation of the Aligator you need to be able to test for:
pH, Alkalinity, Chlorine, Copper (Low)
In addition a Cyanuric test kit is advisable. pH and Chlorine test kits alone are not sufficient
for good management.
Test kits in good condition are vital for the good management of your pool.
Test kits should be kept in a cool place away from direct sunlight. The chemicals and tablets
contained therein should not be more than one year old as they deteriorate with age, so they
should be updated frequently.
Note; If you have a defective test kit you will never achieve good management of your