Aligator Owners Operator Manual
Chlorine Levels
Chlorine level should be maintained at 1.2 to 1.5 for the start up period. After this period the
level can be reduced further and maintained at 0.6ppm / 0.8ppm.
Remember a heavy bathing load demands more attention to the Chlorine level.
Do not pour chlorine directly into pool. This may cause black staining to appear on the
floor of the pool. Instead, dissolve slowly in a bucket of warm water and then add
through the weir/skimmer.
If you choose to use the Chlorine tablet (200g) these can be placed in the skimmer/weir basket.
Do not use fast dissolving tablets. A good quality slow dissolving tablet should last approx 5
to 7 days.
IMPORTANT; Do not assume that because the tablet has dissolved you need to put a new one
in. Test first to see what level exists in the water before applying further chlorine.
Chlorine Dosing
The dosage of chlorine, and frequency at which it must be administered can only be
determined by trial and error, as each pool is different in size, usage, etc. Once you have
established the dosage for your pool it becomes a simple matter to maintain the levels
A point to remember is; both Aligator and chlorine work together to sanitise your pool and
protect you from bacteria. Neither will work efficiently if the balance of the water is out.
There is no point in administering chlorine if the pH and Alkalinity are out of range. Make
sure you have a regular test program.
Shock Treatment
The only time when a pool needs to be shock treated is when it has been:
Neglected and the water has turned green
A high content of Cyanuric acid is present.
In any other circumstances such as the water being cloudy, we recommend that testing and
readjustment of the balance of the water normally will bring a pool back to clarity. In the case
of (1) above the following programme is advisable in the order stated.
Backwash and vacuum thoroughly making sure there is no debris left in the pool.
Test the balance and correct as required. It advisable to bring the pH down to 7.0
Apply 200g/200ml of unstabilised granulated/liquid chlorine for every
2000 gal/10000ltrs
d) Vacuum and backwash over the next two days periodically checking and correcting the
balance. The water should clear after two days.
In the case of (2) above, the same procedure can be carried out, and the water may clear. This
will however be a temporary situation, as the water will almost certainly cloud up again until
the Cyanuric level has been reduced to the correct amount by simple dilution of the water.