Algas-SDI Operation and Maintenance Manual - SH100-SH200
Supply Piping
Inlet pressure to the ratio regulator should be no less than inlet
pressure specified in the Phoenix SH specification sheet. It should not
exceed the maximum rated pressure of the ratio regulator.
Locate the valve train close to the burner. The gas must
reach the burner during ignition trial.
Shut off valves upstream of the ratio regulator must be
sufficiently sized.
Minimize piping elbows.
Checklist After Installation
To verify proper system installation, do the following:
Verify that there are no leaks in the gas and air lines.
Verify all components of the flame monitoring control system
are properly installed. This includes verifying that all
switches are installed in correct locations and all wiring,
pressure and impulse lines are properly connected.
Verify components of spark ignition system are installed and
functioning properly.
Verify that the blower rotates in the correct direction. If
incorrect, have a qualified electrician rewire the blower to
reverse its rotation.
Verify all valves are installed in the proper location and
correctly orientated relative to the gas or air flow direction.