Effective 11/1/07, Revised 1/1/09, Revised 8/1/09
Series Sanitary Mixproof Valve Instruction Manual
Dismantling of actuator
1. Remove nuts (36) and washers (35).
2. Pull out intermediate piece (37) from the actuator.
3. Remove cover disk (25).
4. Remove retaining ring (24).
5. Remove piston rod (29), bottom (21) and lower piston (30).
6. Separate the three parts.
7. Remove O-rings (20, 22 and 23) from bottom, O-rings (33 and 31) and guide
ring (32) from lower piston as well as O-ring (28) from piston rod.
8. Remove spring assembly (14).
9. Remove inner stem (27), main piston (17) and distance spacer (11) if present.
Remove guide ring (18) and O-ring (19).
10. Remove spring assembly (10).
2½", 3", 4" and 6" valves only
1. Unscrew screws (2).
2. Remove stop (4).
3. Remove upper piston (8). Remove O-rings (7 and 9).
4. Remove O-ring (5) and guide ring (6).
See pages 68 to 73 for part numbers.