aleo solar Deutschland GmbH
| Osterstraße 15| 26122 Oldenburg | Germany | [email protected]
installation instructions Edition 01/2012 en-GB-Intl (120508b)
Page 29/60
Clearance behind the modules
Minimal clearance
For the ventilation of aleo modules in on-roof or
free-field installations, leave a clearance of at least
4 cm between the rear edge of the module frame
and the installation surface (e.g. to the roof tiles or
to the backing tray in an in-roof installation system).
This makes it possible for the module to be cooled
through air convection and it allows water to drain
off and condensed water to evaporate.
Dry, cool operation can have a positive effect on the
output and the service life of an aleo module.
Maximum clearance
The maximum permitted clearance is set by
national standards. In addition to other functions,
this serves to ensure that the installation is suitable
for the expected wind and suction conditions.
The maximum clearance for an installation is
determined by the chosen substructure. Please
ensure that the substructure complies with the
permitted clearance.
Avoidance of sealing
Avoid the use of sealant between an aleo module
and its installation surface. Such an installation
otherwise worsens the ventilation and causes
output losses. It can also prevent the drainage of
water. These conditions may cause premature
ageing and a shorter module service life.
Dry, cool operation can have a positive effect on the
output and the service life of an aleo module.
For an in-roof installation, please ensure for good
ventilation through the available options in order to
minimise yield losses that result from a higher
module temperature.
Free space under the modules
Leave the space behind the laminate free of
objects. This prevents damage to the insulating
back sheet and the junction box.
Make sure that no conductive bare parts (e.g. bolts
or nails) protrude into the space behind the module.
Fig. 14 Free space under the module, diagram
: free space
GID AS041c
GID AS041c