The following messages may be displayed on screen during use, either accompanied by warn-
ing tones or not:
No link:
The connection between the camera unit and the monitor unit has been lost. This may
be caused by the distance between the units being too great, by the camera unit being
switched off or by the camera unit being deactivated as a result of empty batteries.
Battery low:
The battery in the monitor unit is almost empty. The monitor unit will switch off shortly
after this warning is displayed. Connect the mains adapter straightaway to charge the bat-
Battery low at baby unit:
The batteries in the camera unit are empty. The camera unit will switch off shortly after
this warning is displayed. Replace the batteries immediately or connect the mains adapt-
Temperature too high:
The temperature in the room in which the camera unit is set up is higher than the limit you
set. Take the necessary measures or set a different limit.
Temperature too low:
The temperature in the room in which the camera unit is set up is lower than the limit you
set. Take the necessary measures or set a different limit.
Eco Mode activated:
This message appears just before the system goes into sleep mode. There is now no
longer a connection between the units. The system is only reactivated when the camera
unit detects a sound.