Service information
Please note that the following parts of this product are subject to normal or natural wear
and that the following parts are therefore also required for use as consumables.
Wear parts*: Spark plug, Air filter, Fuel filter, Capacity bag
* Not necessarily included in the scope of delivery!
X. Storage
Important: Never put the equipment into storage for longer than 30 days without carry-
ing out the following steps.
Storing the equipment
If you intend to store the equipment for longer than 30 days, the equipment must be
prepared accordingly. Otherwise the fuel still remaining in the carburetor will evaporate
and leave a rubbery sediment. This can cause problems when starting up the equip-
ment and may require expensive repairs.
Slowly remove the fuel tank cap to release any pressure that may have formed in
the tank. Carefully empty the tank. Empty the tank only outdoors or in well-ventilat-
ed areas. Make sure that no fuel enters soil (environmental Protection). Use suitable
To remove the fuel from the carburetor, start the engine and let it run until the
equipment stops.
Leave the engine to cool (approx. 5 minutes).
Remove the spark plug (see section Change and clean the spark plug).
Add one teaspoon of 2-stroke engine oil into the combustion chamber. Slowly pull
the starter cord several times to apply a layer of oil to all internal components. Fit the
spark plug again.
Note: Store the equipment in a dry place and far away from possible ignition sources
such as an oven, a gas-fired hot water boiler, a gas-fired dryer, etc.
Putting the equipment back into operation
Remove the spark plug (see section Change and clean the spark plug).
Quickly tug on the starter cord to remove excess oil from the combustion chamber.
Clean the spark plug and check that the electrode gap is correct, or insert a new
spark plug with the correct electrode gap.
Prepare the equipment for operation.