Centurion Quantum
User Manual
REF: Centurion Quantum User Manual V2.docx
Page 32
© Alcolizer Technology
Uncontrolled when printed.
Instrument Status
Notification about changes in instrument status can be sent from the instrument for various
types of status information. The report includes information on all currently active status
items, not just the status item that changed state. The status options are:
Faults (Permanently Out of Order)
– send an email if a fault is raised or cleared.
Alerts (Temporarily Out of Order)
– send an email if an alert is raised or cleared.
– send an email if a warning is asserted or cleared.
– send an email if a notice is asserted or cleared.
Event Log Report
The instrument can be configured to send periodic emails containing log information for the
given period. The interval for the report can be configured from hourly through to monthly
and the day or hour the report will occur on is dependent on the start date. For example:
The current date is the 3rd of October 2021.
The Start Time chosen is on the 29th of September 2021, 12 noon.
The Report Interval is Weekly.
The next email will be sent on the 6th of October 2021, 12 noon. And every week
thereafter until the configuration is changed.
The Centurion is equipped with three relay outputs on the circuit board and their outputs
can be configured to trigger in response to a breath test result.
If a relay output is enabled, the relay will trigger for the specified duration.