Voice over WLAN Mobile IP Touch Design Guide R2.0
2. Operational Modes and Considerations
The Alcatel-Lucent VoWLAN solution presents several topologies, call handling and performance options
to meet customer demands. Many of these options are described below.
2.1. Infrastructure Topology Options
Being as no two customer network environments are exactly the same, it is critical for technology such as
VoWLAN to possess a great degree of flexibility. Alcatel-Lucent’s MIPT solution is not exempt from this
requirement. The following section highlights some MIPT architectural adaptabilities.
2.1.1. Direct Mode (Direct-Attach)
In Direct Mode operation, the Access Points are directly connected to the 10/100 Ethernet switch
interfaces on an Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess Wireless Switch (model: OA4308, 4324 and/or 6000.) These
WLAN Switches have the ability to provide Power over Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af) to Access Point (AP) on all
Ethernet ports (Power Class 3 for all ports simultaneously.)
This type of operational mode is desirable and advantageous in the following situations:
1. In small buildings or locations where cables lengths are less than 100m (in order to effectively
leverage integrated IEEE 802.3af capabilities.)
2. Where there is no existing data network or the existing data network is already operating at
maximum capacity.
3. When existing data network elements lack the ability to provide sufficient IEEE 802.3af power to
Access Points.
4. When wireless LAN Access Point controller redundancy is not necessary.
5. For small WLAN environments requiring only a small number of Access Points.
6. To meet requirements for completely independent voice and data networks/backbones.
Figure 4: Direct Mode (WLAN Switch)
ESD/ Central Pre Sales / DF/ PH
January 2007 – Ed 01