Voice over WLAN Mobile IP Touch Design Guide R2.0 TFTP Server
A TFTP Server is mandatory for all MIPT VoWLAN solutions. The TFTP Server is responsible for supplying
Binary and Text configuration files to the MIPT handsets.
TFTP Server functions can be hosted from the OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server or external.
(The SVP Server is not permitted to host TFTP Server operations due to TCP port conflicts).
There are no unique TFTP Server requirements beyond standard TFTP protocol specifications to support
MIPT terminals. It is possible to combine TFTP Server and DHCP Server functions on a single external
Alcatel-Lucent has validated the following TFTP Server platforms for use with MIPT solutions.
Validated TFTP Server software platforms.
3Com TFTP Server (3CDaemon) V2.0r10
Cisco TFTP Server
TFTP turbo by Weird Solutions
Solar Winds TFTP
Linux TFTP Server RF Director Management
The initial goal of RF Spectrum Management is to configure and calibrate radio settings for the wireless
network. After the radio network is operational, the goal of RF Spectrum Management changes to that of
tuning and adjusting radio parameters in order to maintain a high degree of performance. With Alcatel-
Lucent, RF Spectrum Management is largely automatic, requiring little configuration or intervention from
the administrator. Key components of Alcatel-Lucent’s RF Director solution are:
Calibration: Used continuously throughout the life of a wireless network; Calibration
functions allow network administrators to optimize power and sensitivity settings of the
network on an antenna by antenna basis.
Auto Radio Resource Allocation: allows individual access points to monitor for RF
changes and, in conjunction with Calibration information, make appropriate channel
assignment changes.
Self Healing: In the event that an AP fails, surrounding APs can automatically
increase their transmit power level to fill in any gaps.
Load Balancing: ensures optimum performance by automatically spreading client
association in an equitable manner to avoid the premature saturation of a single AP.
RF Monitoring:
Coverage Hole Detection: Continuous monitoring of client data access and error rates
provides for the identification of coverage holes or areas of diminished service.
Interference Detection: notifies network administrators when localized interference
becomes sufficient to cause performance degradation.
Event Threshold Configuration: provides the ability to configure event thresholds to
notify the administrator when certain RF parameters are exceeded.
Wireless Intrusion Detection: can identify and defeat a wide assortment of DoS attacks
aimed at Wi-Fi networks.
ESD/ Central Pre Sales / DF/ PH
January 2007 – Ed 01