Alcatel-Lucent | ENUM Use and Management for the Successful Deployment of ENUM-Enabled Services
Possible ENUM DNS Architecture for VoIP Peering Partners
An overview of a possible ENUM DNS architecture for VoIP peering partners using “Option 3” from
the previous subsection for the location of the DNS records is presented in the figure below.
In order to provision NAPTR records for a service provider’s current subscribers in the DNS & ENUM
Database and downstream DNS servers shown in this figure, a service provider would probably need
custom or semi-custom software to first retrieve NAPTR data (phone numbers, associated SIP
addresses, etc.) from their existing databases. This data could then be loaded by using scriptable
command line utilities to bulk load files containing NAPTR data, or by sending the data to the ENUM
Manager System Interface.
For subsequent add, update, and delete operations, a service provider’s service order system would
send NAPTR data (phone numbers, associated SIP addresses, etc.) to the ENUM Manager System
Interface, which uses SOAP. (In the future the Extensible Provisioning Protocol described in RFC 3730
or another type of interface may also be available.) Data received would be stored in DNS NAPTR
records in the DNS & ENUM Database, which is a centralized relational database.
The ENUM administrative user interface depicted consists of ENUM manager’s browser-based GUI,
and a service provider would use it when there is a need to manually operate on ENUM data. This
administrative interface would also be available in the centralized VoIP service data center (SDC),
and could be used, for example, to perform zone split and merge operations to manage the size of zones.
The VitalQIP DNS Configuration and Update Services component provides scalable replicated services
to perform the generation of the configuration and zone files for the downstream master DNS servers
in the VoIP SDC. Also, after a provisioning request is received from an upstream service order system,
this configuration component could send out a Dynamic DNS Update (as per RFC 2136) in near real
time to the downstream master DNS server.
Figure 4: Possible ENUM DNS Architecture for VoIP Peering Partners