Alcatel-Lucent | ENUM Use and Management for the Successful Deployment of ENUM-Enabled Services
Leverage Alcatel-Lucent VitalQIP to Manage ENUM
Alcatel-Lucent provides a centralized management solution enabling administration of ENUM domains
(e.g., 1.my-enum.com) and their associated NAPTR records in VitalQIP and Alcatel-Lucent DNS
servers. VitalQIP ENUM Manager provides the ability to administer NAPTR records in the VitalQIP
database, and manage and update Alcatel-Lucent DNS servers. Alcatel-Lucent’s DNS servers use
NAPTR records to respond to client queries.
Using an XML/SOAP interface, data for NAPTR records can be loaded from a variety of sources into
VitalQIP. This interface supports dynamic loading of new records from provisioning systems, such as
Alcatel-Lucent eSM in IMS networks, and bulk loading of records from databases for initial population
of NAPTR records. If desired, bulk loading of records can also be done from a file, using a CLI
command. ENUM Manager stores the NAPTR records in the ENUM database, which is shared
with VitalQIP. VitalQIP accesses this database, and uses this data to update downstream DNS servers,
either through dynamic DNS updates or zone file pushes.
When manual administration of NAPTR records is needed, it is done via ENUM Manager’s Web GUI.
The ENUM Manager GUI allows an administrator to manually create, update, delete, and search the
NAPTR records. The administrator simply populates a few fields and, once executed, the record is sent
to the VitalQIP database and, if desired, the appropriate Alcatel-Lucent DNS servers. NAPTR
records are created in VitalQIP ENUM Manager using the screen shown below in Figure 5.
Once NAPTR records are either manually created or the database is populated through the various
interface methods, the adminsitration of the records without an intuitive GUI may quickly become
burdensome. Each user may have multiple services associated with their E.164 number, and, consequently,
the size of the ENUM database may grow rapidly. The ability for an administrator or troubleshooting
technician to search the ENUM database is an essential component of effective NAPTR record management.
The VitalQIP ENUM Manager NAPTR record search screen is shown on the next page in Figure 6.
Figure 5: VitalQIP ENUM Manager NAPTR Record Creation