VitalQIP Domain Name System/Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DNS/DHCP) and IP Management
Software is used by hundreds of customers, including Global 1000 companies and top service providers
around the world, to automate their essential IP name and address services needs. This innovative
system has received numerous honors and awards, including the Network World Blue Ribbon Award.
VitalQIP is consistently rated a best-in-class IP management solution by industry analysts and market
research firms. Market-leading VitalQIP software helps you efficiently configure, automate, integrate,
and administer IP services across your entire network — locally or globally. This powerful management
software centralizes planning and administration, enabling you to rapidly provision address space and
reliably deliver critical IP name and services throughout your network. Compatible with multiple
technologies and platforms, it helps you streamline management tasks with a comprehensive suite of
integrated tools and user interfaces.
VitalQIP software is widely deployed in high-volume distributed network environments, where it
has demonstrated its ability to support demanding environments with millions of individual IP addresses
and hundreds of thousands of domains. Built-in support for master and slave DNS servers, as well as
Dynamic DNS updates, helps you avoid network outages and automate address and name assignments.
VitalQIP ENUM Manager offers comprehensive administration capabilities to effectively leverage
the existing DNS infrastructure, permitting ENUM-enabled services to be deployed in the network.
As your network continues to grow, more IP devices, more traffic, and newer technologies such as
VoIP continuously increase your management responsibilities. To keep pace — and to make the most
of your existing infrastructure investments — you need the automated, highly scalable management
tools that VitalQIP provides.
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