AL55/66 Technical manual Version 1.1
Host sends:
[Dir] [04] [01] [FF] [02][Start add-hi][ Start add-lo][ data nr.] [Chk]
Coin s. respond:
[01] [n] [Dir] [00] [data 1] [data 2] . . . [data n] [Chk]
Start add-hi is start address hi byte, while start add-lo is address low byte. Data nr.
represent the number of data to read (block size).
Data 1 to data n are requested coin selector memory data.
The example of message string for reading of first coin channel data is:
Host sends:
[02] [04] [01] [FF][02] [06][ 00] [10] [E2]
Coin s. respond:
[01][10][02][00][89][87][B4][77][A7][9F][08][08][0C][16][0A][04][08][01][09][C8][52] Command 255 mode 3, Write coin sel. memory
This command sends block of data to be written in the coin selector RAM memory.
As for the previous command(
) access to some memory blocks could be protected
by factory key or user PIM mechanisam. Factory common data are usually protected
with factory key and statistic counters and setting with user PIN. Exeption is made for
statistic countet write. Any attempt to write in to statistic counter will erase those
couners, thus protecting user from manipulation with statistics!
Number of bytes sent in command string are representing number of statistic to be
erased. Message string format is:
Host sends:
[Dir] [n+3] [01] [FF] [03][Start add-hi][ Start add-lo][ data 1]. . . [ data n] [Chk]
Coin s. respond:
[01][00] [Dir] [00] [Chk]
The example of message string for programming first output of coin selector
address 2
) as pulse parallel output for coin(
) position 1 is:
Host sends:
[02] [0B] [01] [FF][03] [07][ 00] [01][00][00][00][14][00] [D2]
Coin s. respond:
[01][00][02][00] [FD]
The example of message string for erase of all 20 statistic counters
for coin selector
address 2
) is:
Host sends:
[02] [04] [01] [FF][02] [08][ 00] [14] [DB]
Coin s. respond:
[01][00][02][00] [FD]
User PIN must be sent before erase(
) of statistic counters otherwise coin selector
will respond with
Data write will change data in coin selector RAM, and changes will be lost if
power supply turns off! Use write to FLASH command to save changes
To save all coin selector RAM data in to FLASH, send write command with no data:
Host sends:
[02] [01] [01] [FF][03] [FA]
Coin s. respond:
[01][00][02][00] [FD]
dly 20 -100 ms
Coin selector will reply with ACK if write to FLASH was successful.
20 x 3 byte of memory!
Special case write command