While descending stairs always push the
scalamobil slightly forward, away from you,
until the brakes grip on the edge of the following
step. Also the scalamobil needs to remain tilted
approximately in the same angle. Finally, never release
the grips of the scalamobil!
When you reached the end of the stairs, push the scalamobil
with the attached wheelchair away from the stairs. The
scalamobil’s wheels are still in parallel position. In this
combination, scalamobil plus wheelchair, you may cross
short distances in your house or apartment.
However, for further distances or for use outside, we
recommend to remount the wheelchair’s big wheels (see
chapter 3.6).
When the scalamobil is attached to the wheelchair, the
whole mechanism’s center of gravity shifts backwards. Thus,
before the occupant gets out of the wheelchair, either
remove the scalamobil or by pushing the driving switch [2],
advance the scalamobil’s outer pair of wheels [17a] until
they touch the floor and function as an additional support.