Boot Up NumLock Status
Selects power on state for NumLock.
The Choices:
On (default)
Numpad is number keys.
Numpad is arrow keys.
Gate A20 Option
Fast – let chipset control GateA20 and Normal – a pin in the
keyboard controller controls GateA20.
The Choices:
Normal (default) A pin in the keyboard controller
controls Gate A20.
Lets chipset control Gate A20.
Typematic Rate Setting
Keystrokes repeat at a rate determined by the keyboard
controller – when enabled, the typematic rate and typematic
delay can be slelcted.
The Choices: Disabled (default), Enabled.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
The rate at which character repeats when you hold down a key.
The Choices: 6 (default), 8,10,12,15,20,24,30.
Typematic Delay (Msec)
The delay before keystrokes begin to repeat.
The Choices: 250 (default), 500,750,1000.
Enabling this option, MPS version control for OS can be
The Choices: Disabled, Enabled (default).
MPS Version Control For OS
1.1 version is the elder version, it supports 8 more IRQ in
Windows NT. Choose the new 1.4 version for Windows 2000
and Windows xp.
The Choices: 1.4 (default), 1.1.