The system includes Water Coolant flow control for each handpiece.
Use the adjustment key to complete the adjustments :
1. Lift the handpiece from the holder or pull the whip forward.
2. Locate the coolant water flow controls.
3. Turn the Water Coolant on (flip the wet/dry toggle toward right
side on the foot control).
4. Press the foot control to activate the handpiece.
5. Adjust the Water Coolant flow by turning the adjustment key
clockwise to decrease flow and counterclockwise to increase flow.
Water Coolant Flow
The air coolant flow control adjusts the air cool ant flow to all
handpieces. Use the adjustment key to complete the adjustment. To
adjust the air coolant:
1. Lift the handpiece from the holder.
2. Locate the air coolant control.
3. Press the foot control to activate the handpiece.
4. Adjust the air coolant flow by turning the ad justment key
clockwise to decrease flow and counterclockwise to increase flow.
Air Coolant Flow
P/N: 8013093 Rev
AJ16 User's Guide
NOTE: Water and air coolant adjustment keys are not intended to completely shut off flow.
NOTE:Air and Water Coolant adjustment keys are not intended to completely shut off flow.