Delay When Entering, sec
Delay When Leaving, sec
Delay time when exiting. Delay when exiting
(alarm activation delay) is the time you have to
exit the room after arming the security system
Displays the status of using the radio signal
range extender ReX
Connection status between the hub and the
Primary Detector
Indicates whether the opening sensor is active
External Contact
Status of the external detector connected to
DoorProtect Plus
Always Active
Indicates whether the detector is always armed
Shock Sensor
Indicates whether the shock sensor is active
Tilt Sensor
Indicates whether the tilt sensor is active
Temporary Deactivation
Shows the status of the device temporary
deactivation function:
— the device operates normally and
transmits all events.
Lid only
— the hub administrator has
disabled noti
cations about triggering on
the device body.
— the device is completely excluded
from the system operation by the hub
administrator. The device does not follow
system commands and does not report
alarms or other events.
By number of alarms
— the device is
automatically disabled by the system when
the number of alarms is exceeded (speci
in the settings for Devices Auto
Deactivation). The feature is con
gured in
the Ajax PRO app.