FS4 Frame Synchronizer/Converter v1.1
1.0 Vid 1 Audio Out
This parameter selects the audio input sources for the selected FS4 Video Processor’s
audio output channels. The factory default for each output is the corresponding input:
i.e. SDI1 to SDI1, SDI2 to SDI2, etc.
When set to SDI1-8, AES/EBU, or MADI:
• The selected source channels are routed to the corresponding output channels. For
example, SDI1 input Ch n to SDI1 output Ch n, where n = 1 thru 16.
When set to Mix Down
• The stereo output of the Mix Down Module is routed to audio channels 1 and 2 of the
SDI output. The other channels are muted.
When set to Sig Gen 1KHz, Sig Gen 400Hz or Mute:
• The selected source (tone or silence) is routed to every output channel.
When set to Map:
• The mapped source is routed to each output channel according to the last configured
mapped source for each channel in the output.
• The following channel map menus become available via the
1.1-1.16 SDI1 Output
When Map is selected, each listed source can be mapped to each output channel of the
currently selected output menu.
2.0-4.0 SDI2-4
Audio Out
“1.0 Vid 1 Audio Out” on page 87
SDI1 - 8
MADI Fiber
The selected source channels are routed to the corresponding
output channels.
Mix Down 1 L:R
The stereo output of the Mix Down 1 Module is routed to the output
channels 1 and 2. The other channels are muted.
Mix Down 2 L:R
(4Ch only) The stereo output of the Mix Down 2Module is routed to
the output channels 1 and 2. The other channels are muted.
Sig Gen 1KHz
Sig Gen 400Hz
The selected tone or mute is routed to every output channel of the
selected Video Processor.
The currently configured mapping is applied to each output channel
of the selected Video Processor. Channel mapping menus for each
output become available.
SDI1 Output Ch 1
SDI1 Output Ch 16
Select the source to route to the selected output from the following:
-SDI1-8 Ch 1 - Ch 16
-AES Ch 1-16
-MADI BNC 1-64
-MADI Fiber 1-64
-Mix Down 1 L
-Mix Down 1 R
-Mix Down 2 L (4Ch only)
-Mix Down 2 R (4Ch only)
-Sig Gen 1kHz
-Sig Gen 400Hz