Comparative Measuring and Calibrating
with the iTool
The iTool provides the possibility of point-to-point
measuring within the image. This can be used in the
Live-Mode as well as in the Memory-Mode. Press
CROSS 1/2 on the keypad. Two flags appear on the
display. The distance in pixels is shown in the status
indicator line. Before the Comparative Measuring
you need to make a Calibration as follows: As for the
Measuring press CROSS 1/2 (two flags appear on
the display) – Now hold the distal end in your fixed
Working Distance to an object of known size (e.g.
ruler). Move the active flag (displayed in white) to one
side of the geometry. Press OK to switch between the
flags and lead the second flag to the end of the geo-
metry. When both flags are on the desired positions,
press CALIBRATION. The Calibration Window opens.
Please insert the measure as value in front of the “:“
and the unit (e.g. mm) behind of it. End Calibration by
pressing RECORD. The inserted unit now appears in
the display.
To save press RECORD again. You now are in Live-
Mode with visible flags. Now you may save as usual
(see pages 25-27). Your measuring value occurs in
Creating and saving Image Captures
100.000 _
100_ :
123456789 . , : ! ?
arrows - move cursor
<OK> - add symbol
<RECORD> - close editor, save the changes
<MENU> - close editor, cancel the changes
<FREEZE> - delete last right symbol