Scholar V VAIVA Maintenance & Service Manual 10/2017 Rev.2
f. Heat Off Defrost
: Press this button once to disable electric resistance heat
operation during a defrost cycle. It is indicated by a 0 in the box at the bottom of
the screen.
g. Forward
: Press once to go to the next screen.
h. Back
: Press once to go to the previous screen
i. Back to Main
: Press once to go back to Main Screen
9. SCREEN 9: Offsets
(Changes require username/password)
The offset screen provides a way to calibrate the various measured temperatures, if required.
The offset number can be either positive or negative and is added to the value being measured
by the sensing element. For example, if the Outside Air was reading too low of a temperature,
a positive offset would be used which would increase the temperature displayed. If the value
was reading too high, a negative offset would be used.
It should be noted that any values corrected with offsets are also used internally in the PLC for
a. Forward
: Press once to go to the next screen.
b. Back
: Press once to go to the previous screen
c. Back to Main
: Press once to go back to Main Screen