1) From within the VOLT menu, scroll UP or DOWN to highlight ALERT VOLT 3.8v.
2) Press the ENTER key, then scroll UP or DOWN to change the Alert Voltage value. The
Alert Voltage value is the voltage that the Voltage Alert alarm will sound at.
TELEMETRY ALERT VOLT setting range is 3.0v to 9.0v. The default setting is 3.8v.
The Alert Voltage value cannot be set higher than the Maximum Voltage value. In some cases, you may need to raise the
Maximum Voltage value prior to raising the Alert Voltage value.
The RPM Setting allows you to change the way RPM and Speed information is displayed on the Telemetry Screen. For example,
you can choose to display RPMs, MPH or KM/H. The RPM Gauge and the RPM Digital Displays will change from RPM to MPH
or KM/H depending on the RPM Unit value chosen. In addition, if MPH or KM/H is chosen, the RPM sensor can be calibrated
to ensure that the most accurate speed is displayed for your specific model.
Changing the RPM Unit Value:
1) From within the TELEMETRY menu, scroll UP or DOWN to highlight RPM SETTING.
2) Press the ENTER key. The RPM menu will be displayed and UNIT RPM will be highlighted.
3) Press the ENTER key, then scroll UP or DOWN to change the RPM Unit to the desired
value. When RPM is chosen, the Revolutions Per Minute of whatever the RPM Sensor is
attached to will displayed. When MPH or KM/H is chosen, the speed of your model will
be displayed in either Miles Per Hour or Kilometers Per Hour, respectively.
TELEMETRY RPM UNIT setting range is RPM, MPH and KM/H. The default setting is RPM.
Changing the Maximum RPM/Speed Value:
The Maximum RPM/Speed value determines the maximum RPM or Speed value that will
be shown on the Telemetry RPM Gauge. This setting does not effect the RPM or Speed
Digital Display.
The RPM Gauge and RPM/Speed Digital Display names will change from RPM to
MPH or KM/H depending on the RPM Unit value chosen.
The Maximum Voltage value cannot be set lower than the Alert Voltage value. If
necessary, you may need to lower the Alert Voltage value prior to lowering the Maximum Voltage value.
TELEMETRY MAX VOLT setting range is 3.0v to 9.0v. The default setting is 9.0v.
3) Press the ENTER key, then scroll UP or DOWN to change the Maximum Voltage value.
The Voltage Display Monitor on the Telemetry Screen will not display receiver battery
Voltage values above the Maximum Voltage value programmed.
Changing the Alert Voltage Value:
The Alert Voltage value determines the voltage at which the Voltage Alert alarm will sound. For example, you can set the Alert
Voltage value to alert you to when your model's receiver battery is getting low and needs to be recharged. When the Alert
Voltage value is reached, the Voltage Alert alarm will sound and LED2 (Red) will flash. The Voltage Alert alarm will sound for
approximately 5 seconds, however, LED2 will continue to flash until you recharge the receiver battery. The audible portion of
the Voltage Alert alarm can be cleared by pressing the BACK/CANCEL key or the Push-Button Rotary Dial.
In general, the Alert Voltage value should be high enough to alert you when it's time to recharge your receiver battery, but
not so low that the receiver battery loses power and can no longer control your model.
RpM SETTInG (RpM and Speed Telemetry Display Options)