Transducer with NO Connector
For transducers with NO connector, use the supplied Test Cable that terminates in a breakout box to
connect to the TDT.
1. Connect each striped or solid colored wire in the transducer cable to the matching colored terminal
in the breakout box. Follow the color code on the breakout box label.
: If the transducer’s connector has been cut off (i.e. The transducer was sold with a
dedicated connector, but now it terminates with bare wires.), start by connecting the solid and
striped wires to the corresponding terminals in the breakout box. If the test results do not look
correct, try swapping the solid and striped pairs and testing again. Transducers built for OEMs
can have different wire-color coding to meet their specifications.
2. Visually inspect all the wires. There should be no frayed strands or loose ends to cause
shorting. Do NOT include colored insulation inside a terminal. Check to be sure each wire is
held firmly within its terminal.
3. Connect the Test Cable to the TDT1000 at the test cable port (Figure 8).
test cable
colored wires
Test Cable
cable with
Figure 8. Transducer with NO connector
(not to scale)
Copyright© 2017 - 2020 Airmar Technology Corporation
NO connector
breakout box