9 - Remote Operation
QPX750 Instruction Manual
Web server; configuration password protection
The unit contains a basic web server. This provides information on the instrument and allows it to be
configured. The Settings page can be password protected to deter unauthorised changes to the
remote operation configuration.
The Settings page itself explains how to set the password. The password can be up to 15 characters
long; the username should be left blank. The password will, however, be reset to the default (no
password) if the front panel is used to reset all the LAN parameters to their factory default.
The web pages also have an ‘Identify’ function which allows the user to send an identifying command
to the instrument which causes its display to flash until the command is cancelled.
ICMP ping server
The unit contains an ICMP server allowing the instrument to be ‘pinged’ via either its host name or IP
mDNS and DNS-SD support
Multicast DNS provides DNS services even on networks without a central DNS server (or DHCP server).
This simplifies the setting up of a simple LAN using meaningful hostnames instead of a raw IP address.
With service discovery it becomes straightforward for the device to be discovered and the services it
The services provided by the instrument are http (_http._tcp) , lxi (_lxi._tcp) and scpi-raw (_scpi-
VISA resource name
The instrument must be referred to by its raw socket information when used in software packages
which communicate via a VISA resource name. For example, an instrument at IP address would normally have a VISA resource name of "TCPIP0::"
but for this instrument the name must be modified to read "TCPIP0::"
where 5025 is the scpi-raw TCP port used by this instrument for control and monitoring.
XML identification document URL
As required by the LXI Standard, the instrument provides an XML identification document that can be
queried via a GET at “http:<hostname>:80/lxi/identification” that conforms to the LXI XSD Schema
(available at http:www.lxistandard.org/InstrumentIdentification/1.0) and the W3C XML Schema
Standards ( http:www.w3.org/XML/Schema ). This document describes the instrument.
TCP sockets
The instrument uses 1 socket on TCP port 5025 for instrument control and monitoring. Text commands
are sent to this port as defined in the ‘Remote/ local operation’ section and any replies are returned
via the same port. Commands may be separated with either semicolons “;” or line feeds.
LAN error
If a LAN connection is made but an error is detected (e.g., the IP address is the same as another device
on the network), then the LAN field in the status line will show until the error is corrected. If a LAN
error occurs; check and correct the configuration of the instrument; To reset the LAN interface touch
the LAN Reset button in the ‘Interface Menu’. The default setting is for the instrument to attempt to
obtain settings via DHCP if available or, if DHCP times out (30 seconds), via Auto-IP. In the very unlikely
event that an Auto-IP address cannot be found a static IP address of is assigned. If no
physical LAN connection is found at any time the LAN field in the status line will show