Bright Switch:
This switch is a passive RC pre-emphasis circuit at 5-7 kHz. The bright switch will add a
brighter timbre to the entire range of your bass.
Tube Effects Loop:
The preamp contains a tube parallel effects loop with an adjustable send and mix control.
On the front panel the send pot controls the level of your bass going to the effect. The
mix pot is actually a tube mixer, which mixes your effected signal back into the preamp.
The effects loop is comprised of both halves of a 12AU7 twin-triode. It is set up in a
parallel mode. The dry and wet signals are fed into each side of the tube grids and mixed
the individual gain stages. This presents the best signal to noise ratio and sound
quality. When it is set at 100% your entire bass sound is being processed by the effect in
the loop. The loop circuitry is active only when a plug is inserted in either return jack.
Master Output:
This controls the level of the signal going to your power amp.
Crossover section:
The crossover section is to be used with a stereo power amp when you want to separate
the low and high frequencies. The top pot in the crossover section sets the crossover
point. The low master controls the output level for the frequencies below the crossover
point; the high master controls the level for the frequencies above the crossover point.
Rear Panel
The preamp features three output interfaces:
Unbalanced Outputs:
Line level outputs controlled by the master volume control. These are full-range outputs
that provide unbalanced tube-buffered output for connection to a power amp. You can
use both if you want to send signal to both sides of a stereo amp, or to two different amps.
High and Low Crossover Outputs:
These provide individual crossover outputs for full bi-amping capability.