Grassland Mower Hopper 5000
Edition 02.97
5. Maintenance
Mowing Attachment
The cutter bar is exposed to extreme
strain. Therefore, it needs careful main-
tenance and adjustment.
Each time before you take up op-
eration and after every 8 operating
hours, lubricate all gliding parts with Bio-
lubricating grease or Bio-lubricating oil.
Approximately after every 30 min-
utes of operation, re-tighten all nuts and
bolts on the mowing drive and the cut-
ter bar (especially on the knife driver).
After each operation, clean the cutter
bar thoroughly with water. Above all,
remove the dirt which has collected be-
tween knife blades. For this purpose
remove the knife.
After cleaning, apply Bio-lubricating oil
or Bio-lubricating grease to all gliding
For longer storage, spray the cutter bar
with Bio-slushing oil.
Driver Pin,
Cutter Bar Carrier Pin
Lubricate the driver pin and the car-
rier pin with Bio-lubricating grease each
time the cutter bar is attached and after
cleaning with a pressure washer.