1145A 2-Channel Active Probe
To replace the main cable
To replace the main cable
Due to the difficulty in soldering the main cable to the printed circuit assembly,
Agilent Technologies recommends that you return the probe to an Agilent
Technologies Service Center if the main cable or printed circuit assembly need
to be replaced. Because there are low temperature solder connections inside the
main cable, make sure you heat sink the main cable before soldering on it.
To replace the probe tip and cable
Use a Torx 10 screwdriver to remove the four screws holding the
clamshell pod case together.
Lift off the tip of the clamshell pod case.
Use a solder iron to unsolder the center conductor wire of the faulty
probe lead from the bonding pas on the printed circuit assembly.
Because the ground legs plug into small sockets under the cable, use a
pair of needle nose pliers to lift the faulty probe lead away from the
printed circuit assembly.
Flow enough solder onto the vacant solder pad for a good solder joint.
Inter the probe ground legs of the new cable into the circuit board pin
While holding the probe ground legs in place, place the notched strain
relief into the slot of the lower half of the clamshell cover.
Because the wire to the center lead is very fragile, use caution when
soldering it. Resolder the center lead on the vacant solder joint. The
resulting solder joint should be very similar to the other probe lead.
Inspect the solder joint for good soldering integrity.
Check the cable alignments inside of the pod. Replace the top of the
pod, then install the four screws.