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gards stability, care of the Piezo and mutual influence (with several devices) for the
required conveying capacity must be determined depending on the application.
The operating frequency must be higher than the natural frequency
of the Piezo linear conveyor. If the operating frequency is the same
as the natural frequency, i.e. if the Piezo linear conveyor is operated
at the resonance point, the Piezo drive unit will be destroyed in the
medium term.
Readjustment of the conveying speed according to the above dia-
gram can become necessary for new devices 48 hours after start-up.
We recommend to carry out a simple stability test after having set the operating pa-
rameters (voltage and frequency): If the running linear conveyor is manually stopped
for a short time (external fault), the HLF-P must return automatically to the previously
set conveying capacity (amplitude) after it was released again. If this is not the case,
the required conveying capacity should be set by selecting other operating parame-
ters (e.g. resonance point: 200.8Hz; previous operating point: 70% / 201.5Hz
operating point 82% / 202.2Hz); afterwards the stability test should be repeated.
Several Piezo linear conveyors in one feeder:
If several Piezo linear conveyors are operated on the same base plate / subbase the
linear conveyors may interfere with each other. This can be noticed from an unstable
conveying capacity or the conveying behaviour of parts in the rail. The interference
can be eliminated by operating all linear conveyors at the same operating frequency.
The required conveying capacity of the individual HLF-Ps must be guaranteed. This
can be achieved by changing the voltage. Please see the following example for more
details: Original situation: two HLF-Ps on one base plate with the operating point
70% / 202.4Hz (1st HLF-P) and 82% / 203.0Hz (2nd HLF-P)
new operating points
with the same operating frequencies and adapted voltages: 75% / 202.7Hz (1st HLF-
P) and 79% / 202.7Hz (2nd HLF-P).