AES 7058E RF Subscriber Unit -- Installation and Operation Manual
AES Corporation
P/N 40-7058E Rev 2.1 11/11/2014
Programming (Continued)
► Set Check-In Time and Reporting Delays
The factory default is set to 24 Hour Check-In. If this is
appropriate you can skip to the next section. All other
timing parameters typically should remain at factory
The Check-In Time
is the interval at which the subscriber
unit sends it’s “Check-In” messages to the central station.
The default is 24 hours (recommended). The range for this
feature is 1 minute to 24 hours.
Important Note:
Short check-in times (less than 6 hours)
can impede system performance by creating heavy radio
traffic in larger AES IntelliNet network systems. The
standard setting is between 12 and 24 hours.
Use shorter check-in times for highest security applications
only. 00 hours, 00 minutes is an illegal entry and will not
be accepted.
AC Report Delay
sets the delay in minutes, after detection
that a subscriber waits before transmitting AC failure and
restore messages. The default value is RM, which selects a
random delay between 0 and 60 minutes. This randomly
disperses AC failure messages that occur to a region, over
an hour rather than all at once. The range is 0 (no delay) to
60 minutes or RM. RM is the factory suggested setting.
The Reporting Delay
sets the rate at which a subscriber’s
own signals are transmitted. The default value is 10
seconds; transmissions are sent at least 10 seconds apart
(this helps to meter traffic on the system). The range is 0
(no delay, not recommended) to 330 seconds. During this
delay, Zone activations will be accumulated and included in
one packet, reducing the amount of radio traffic.
To start,
press programmer keys
(CTRL + F2)
(hold down
the Control and then press the F2 key). The following
message appears:
[0-24] (HH = existing data)
Enter a number of hours between 0 and 24 (default = 24)
and push <ENTER>.
[0-59] (MM = existing data)
Enter the number of minutes between 0 and 59, then push
[RM or 0-60]
(AC Report Delay, MM = existing programmed data)
Enter a number of minutes to delay transmissions of AC
fail/restore messages or RM for random. The range is 0 to
60 or RM; the default and factory recommendation is RM.
If data is entered correctly, the following message appears:
[0-330] [seconds]
(Report Delay, NNN = existing programmed data)
Enter a number of seconds to allow between transmissions;
the range is 0 to 330; the default is 10 seconds. If data has
been entered correctly, the following message appears:
ENTER SECS – 121:..
Enter Comm Delay time in (60-300 Seconds). 120 is
default. Then Press <ENTER> This is the delay before
ACK delay is reported.
Timing parameter programming complete
► Zone Programming
Factory default zone programming is set to EOL Supervision
) without restore (
). If this is satisfactory skip to the next
To start,
press programmer keys
(CTRL + F3)
(hold down the
Control and then press the F3 key). The following message
FIRE--------Y: .
[Y/N] (Y = existing data)
The sequence first asks if any "Fire" programming is used.
Answer Y/yes if you wish to have the subscriber report
"Trouble" conditions. Otherwise answer N/no (refer to chart
below). The existing programming is shown under the
"OLD:". If you wish to change the setting, enter Y or N. To
leave unchanged, simply push <ENTER>. Next appears:
[Y/N] (N = existing data)
Here you can choose to reverse the logic for the fire input
(refer to chart below). The existing setting is displayed. To
change the setting enter Y or N. To leave unchanged, push
<ENTER> alone.
The most versatile option is to select Y for Fire and N for
Inverted Fire. This provides the best choice of zone
programming options available (BOCSF).
After pressing <ENTER>, the following appears:
(available options) Bank 0
(S = existing data) Zone1 -> 8
NEW ........
(Must enter exactly 8 values)
Having chosen the Fire parameters, each zone can now be
programmed. The valid programming options are shown in
parentheses. The options that appear are determined by your
input to the Fire/ Inverted Fire Section above. The current
programming is shown next to the word OLD, Zones 1-8 in
order left to right. Your new entries will appear directly below
next to the word NEW. You must enter a valid letter for each
of the 8 zones. Zones Triggers 1-8 can be set for:
B - Bypassed
O - Normally Open;
C - Normally Closed;
S - Supervised/E.O.L. (alarm on open or short);
F - Fire Supervised E.O.L. (alarm on short, trouble on open)
I - Inverted Fire E.O.L. (alarm on open, trouble on short)
After successfully entering data, the following appears:
(available options) Bank 0
(R = existing data) Zone 1 -> 8
NEW ........
(Must enter exactly 8 values)
You can program individual zones to report restorals - i.e. send
a report that the zone has returned to normal status.
X = No Restorals Reported
R = Restorals Reported.
The existing or OLD programming is shown for each zone.
Your new entries will appear directly below next to the word
NEW. You must enter a valid letter X or R for each zone.
When restore data entry is complete, Press <ENTER>. If data
has been entered correctly, the following message appears:
Zones programming complete.