6. Securely fasten the control horn to the aileron
with six wood screws as shown.
7. Tape the trailing edge of the aileron to the trail-
ing edge of the wing in the neutral position.
Plug the servo into the receiver and turn radio
on. Ensure the servo trim and sub trim is cen-
tered. Adjust the length of the pushrod so that
the servo arm is parallel to the aileron hinge line
when it is placed on the servo output shaft.
Screw servo arm on the servo output shaft.
On metal geared servos use Blue Loctite for
all Servo arm mounting screws.
8. Ensure the servo does not bind at either end
point at full deflection. A 1” servo arm is rec-
ommended for best results. A 1 1/4” servo arm
is required for full deflection of the aileron 55º
9. Repeat all the above steps for the other wing.